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Customer Support Agent | English

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support. Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We ...

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Agente de Soporte al Cliente | Español e Inglés

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад

15 000 MDL

Español! Trabajo de operador a telefonico en atencion al cliente en Chisinau La función de Client Service Assistant es muy importante para la empresa, ya que es la persona que brinda atención. Principales Responsabilidades: Recibir llamadas de clientes basados en los Estados Unidos; Procesar pregunt...

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Customer Support Agent - Night Shift | English

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support. Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We ...

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Customer Support Agent | Korean and English

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


About Roslin Roslin is a technology-enabled business services company. We specialize in improving business performance for some of America’s largest ground transportation providers. Every day our team delivers a next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect wi...

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Customer Support Agent - Student Shift | English

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support. Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We ...

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Personal curățenie: pachet oficial de angajare și beneficii

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад

От 10 000 До 13 000 MDL

Responsabilități: Curățarea spațiului deschis de birou; Colectarea și îndepărtarea gunoiului; Curățare generală și ștergere periodică a geamurilor; Menținerea curățeniei în birou; Udarea florilor; Respectarea regulilor de igienă; Finalizați sarcinile individuale de curățare în timp util și eficient....

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Customer Support Agent | Chinese and English

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


About Roslin Roslin is a technology-enabled business services company. We specialize in improving business performance for some of America’s largest ground transportation providers. Every day our team delivers a next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect wi...

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Customer Support Agent | Georgian

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


О Roslin Roslin - это компания, предоставляющая бизнес-услуги с использованием современных технологий. Мы специализируемся на повышении эффективности бизнеса некоторых крупнейших американских поставщиков наземного транспорта. Каждый день наша команда обеспечивает качество обслуживания клиентов новог...

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Customer Support Agent - Part-time | English

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support. Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We ...

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Senior Fullstack Engineer

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


About Roslin Roslin is a technology-enabled business services company. We specialize in improving business performance for some of America’s largest ground transportation providers. Every day our team delivers a next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect wi...

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Roslin ეძებს მომხმარებელთა მხარდაჭერის აგენტს. არანაირი ცივი ზარები, არანაირი გაყიდვები, მხოლოდ არსებული მომხმარებლები. შემოგვიერთდით ღია ატმოსფეროში, სადაც ნდობა და მხარდაჭერა არის ჩვენი კულტურის ნაწილი. ჩვენი გუნდი ყოველდღიურად უზრუნველყოფს მომავალი თაობის მომხმარებელთა გამოცდილებას და ეხმარება სა...

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Customer Support Agent - Day Shift | English

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support. Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We ...

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Агент по работе с клиентами | Английский

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


Roslin в поиске сотрудника на позицию Агента по работе с клиентами. Работа с существующими клиентами, без холодных звонков, без продаж. Присоединяйтесь к нашей дружелюбной команде и культуре доверия. Ежедневно наша команда предоставляет услуги обслуживание потребителей нового поколения и помогает тр...

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Customer Support Agent | English and Spanish

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад

15 000 MDL

Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support. Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We ...

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Middle Frontend Engineer

Актуализировано: 2 минуты назад


About Roslin Roslin is a technology-enabled business services company. We specialize in improving business performance for some of America’s largest ground transportation providers. Every day our team delivers a next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect wi...

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Digital Marketing Manager (25.000 MDL)

Актуализировано: 3 минуты назад

От 20 000 До 25 000 MDL

Grupul Iute este unul dintre cei mai buni angajatori din anul 2023. La moment, compania caută un Digital Marketing Manager dinamic și iute, pentru a conduce strategia digitală și a îmbunătăți prezența în online. Mai multe detalii despre companie le puteți găsi aici: https://iutecredit.md/ Responsabi...

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Coordonator Comercial (l. Spaniolă)

Актуализировано: 3 минуты назад


Suntem în căutarea unui Manager Comercial care poate comunica în limba spaniolă și engleză. Despre Companie: Veo Worldwide Services, parte a Grupului NOZ și lider pe piața europeană de destocaj, beneficiază de peste 18 ani de expertiză în optimizarea stocurilor nevândute. Ne adresăm proprietarilor d...

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UI/UX Designer | Profit.com

Актуализировано: 3 минуты назад


Despre companie: Profit.com este o platformă financiară de ultimă generație concepută pentru traderi și investitori, oferind instrumente avansate de analiză a pieței, competiții de tranzacționare gamificate și informații de investiții susținute de miliardari. Combinăm datele de piață în timp real cu...

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Travel Sales Consultant

Актуализировано: 33 минуты назад

Business Class
Business Class
От 15 000 До 50 000 MDL

At Business-Class, we strive to become the number-one choice for all premium-class travelers. This mission won’t be able to be achieved without the right people working together hand-in-hand to accomplish the same purpose. We are dedicated to providing the best product, focusing on customer service ...

Sales Travel Coordinator

Актуализировано: 33 минуты назад

Business Class
Business Class
От 15 000 До 50 000 MDL

At Business-Class, we strive to become the number-one choice for all premium-class travelers. This mission won’t be able to be achieved without the right people working together hand-in-hand to accomplish the same purpose. We are dedicated to providing the best product, focusing on customer service ...

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Business-Class Travel Advisor

Актуализировано: 33 минуты назад

Business Class
Business Class
От 15 000 До 50 000 MDL

At Business-Class, we strive to become the number-one choice for all premium-class travelers. This mission won’t be able to be achieved without the right people working together hand-in-hand to accomplish the same purpose. We are dedicated to providing the best product, focusing on customer service ...

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English-Speaking Travel Coordinator

Актуализировано: 33 минуты назад

Business Class
Business Class
От 15 000 До 40 000 MDL

Here, at Business-Class, we strive to become the number one choice for all premium-class travelers. A mission we won’t be able to achieve without the right people working together hand-in-hand to accomplish the same purpose. We are dedicated to providing the best product, focusing on customer servic...

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Баер / Buyer (ответственный за закупки)

Актуализировано: 33 минуты назад


В связи с расширением штатов сеть супермаркетов Local открывает вакансию для Баера - ответственного за закупки. Обязанности: Изучение рынка и поиск надежных поставщиков, готовых предложить качественные товары по конкурентоспособным ценам Ведение переговоров с поставщиками, включая обсуждение условий...

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Operator Call Center Bilete de Avion (7000 MDL-20000 MDL)

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

От 7 000 До 20 000 MDL

Join iFly – Let’s Shape the Future of Travel Together! Who We Are Agenția iFly, un lider pe piața turismului din Republica Moldova, își extinde echipa și este în căutarea de persoane energice și pasionate pentru a se alătura unui mediu de lucru prietenos, tânăr și dinamic. Dacă ești orientat către r...

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Senior Front-end Developer (1000-2000 USD)

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

От 1 000 До 2 000 USD

Join iFLY – Let’s Build the Future of Travel Together! Who We Are At iFLY, we are a leading international travel agency with a strong presence across Europe and the United States. We specialize in creating personalized and innovative travel experiences, and our team is made up of creative, passionat...

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Senior PHP Developer (1800-2000 USD)+

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

От 1 800 До 2 000 USD

Join iFLY – Let’s Build the Future of Travel Together! Who We Are At iFLY, we are a leading international travel agency with a strong presence across Europe and the United States. We specialize in creating personalized and innovative travel experiences, and our team is made up of creative, passionat...

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PHP (Laravel) Developer

Актуализировано: 1 час назад


We are currently looking for a PHP (Laravel) Developer who will join an enthusiastic and fun team. Key responsibilities: Develop and maintain back-end systems for travel-related applications. Integrate various APIs to enhance functionality and user experience. Requirements: Senior-level experience w...

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UI/UX Designer (10.000 MDL-30.000 MDL)

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

От 10 000 До 30 000 MDL

Join iFLY – Let’s Design the Future of Travel Together! Who We Are At iFLY, we are a leading international travel agency with a strong presence across Europe and the United States. We specialize in creating personalized and innovative travel experiences, and our team is made up of creative, passiona...

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iFly Украина – Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде! Кто мы? Компания iFly, один из лидеров на рынке туризма, открыла новое отделение в Украине! Мы – современное цифровое турагентство с аккредитацией IATA, и наша миссия – делать путешествия доступными и незабываемыми для каждого клиента. Сейчас мы ищем э...

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От 7 000 До 20 000 MDL

Присоединяйтесь к iFly – Давайте формировать будущее путешествий вместе! Кто мы Агентство iFly, лидер на рынке туризма в Республике Молдова, расширяет свою команду и ищет энергичных и увлеченных людей, чтобы присоединиться к дружелюбной, молодой и динамичной рабочей среде. Если вы ориентированы на р...

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Full-Stack (PHP+React.js+Node, Js) Developer 2500USD+

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

2 500 USD

Join iFLY – Let’s Revolutionize the Travel Industry Together! Who We Are At iFLY, we are a leading international travel agency with a strong presence across Europe and the United States. We specialize in creating personalized and innovative travel experiences, and our team is made up of creative, pa...

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Senior Software Tester

Актуализировано: 1 час назад


We are actively seeking a Software Tester to become part of our dynamic team. As a Software Tester, your mission is to work efficiently, accurately, and ensure that the software maintains the highest quality. You will examine internal and external requirements, collaborate closely with the developme...

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Manager Bilete de Avion (Travel Agent 7000-20000 MDL)

Актуализировано: 1 час назад


Alătură-te iFly – Hai să construim împreună viitorul călătoriilor! Cine suntem Agenția iFly, un lider pe piața turismului din Republica Moldova, își extinde echipa și este în căutarea de persoane energice și pasionate pentru a se alătura unui mediu de lucru prietenos, tânăr și dinamic. Dacă ești ori...

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Specialist Marketing (Google Ads, Facebook Ads)

Актуализировано: 1 час назад


Căutăm Specialist în Marketing – Alătură-te echipei iFly! Cine suntem Agenția iFly, un lider pe piața turismului, este în căutarea unui Specialist în Marketing talentat și pasionat, care să ne ajute să atingem noi performanțe în domeniul digital. Dacă ești creativ, orientat către rezultate și ai exp...

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Frontend (React) Developer

Актуализировано: 1 час назад


We are actively seeking a Frontend Developer to become part of our dynamic and friendly team. You have: 4+ years of experience. Proficient in HTML, React, and TypeScript, with a deep understanding of their respective ecosystems. Familiarity with version control systems like Git and code collaboratio...

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Sales Support Representative

Актуализировано: 1 час назад


Are you a strong communicator, full of energy, and know how to turn a quote into a deal? We are looking for a Sales Support Representative to join our dynamic and friendly team. What are we looking for? You have strong communication skills and are not afraid to pick up the phone You are a true team ...

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Sales Travel Agent $1500-$10 000

Актуализировано: 3 часа назад

От 1 500 До 10 000 USD

Job Overview Business Tickets is constantly searching for worthy candidates to reinforce and expand our Sales Department. The job requires representatives to engage in communication with prospects interested in premium-class air travel, offer our products, services and close mutually beneficial deal...

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Sales Representative $1,500-$10,000

Актуализировано: 3 часа назад

От 1 500 До 10 000 USD

Job Overview Business Tickets is constantly searching for worthy candidates to reinforce and expand our Sales Department. The job requires representatives to engage in communication with prospects interested in premium-class air travel, offer our products, services and close mutually beneficial deal...

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Travel Manager $1500-$10 000

Актуализировано: 3 часа назад

От 1 500 До 10 000 USD

Job Overview Business Tickets is constantly searching for worthy candidates to reinforce and expand our Sales Department. The job requires representatives to engage in communication with prospects interested in premium-class air travel, offer our products, services and close mutually beneficial deal...

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Ticket Sales Consultant $1500-$10 000

Актуализировано: 3 часа назад

От 1 500 До 10 000 USD

Job Overview Business Tickets is constantly searching for worthy candidates to reinforce and expand our Sales Department. The job requires representatives to engage in communication with prospects interested in premium-class air travel, offer our products, services and close mutually beneficial deal...

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