Работа на Скулянке / 168 вакансий

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Технолог - начальник столярного цеха

Актуализировано: 6 минут назад

10 000 MDL

Проектно-строительная компания “Eximol” ищет Технолога – руководителя столярного производства. Мы успешно работаем на рынке с 2004 года. Занимаемся изготовлением различных изделий из дерева по индивидуальным заказам: беседки, навесы, детские площадки, деревянная мебель. Активно используем наше произ...

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Cтоляр станочник (Timplar)

Актуализировано: 6 минут назад


Требуется столяр с опытом работы. Желательно опыт в монтажах столярных изделий (навесы, беседки, ограждения и т.д) Angajam tâmplar cu experiență. De dorit experienta in instalarea constructiilor din lemn (casute, pergole, garduri etc.) CV с указанием желаемой должности и контактную информацию направ...

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Менеджер по работе с клиентами

Актуализировано: 6 минут назад


Мы — проектно-строительная компания Eximius SRL, успешно работающая с 2004 года. За это время мы реализовали множество значимых проектов: построили ресторан банкетного типа Villa Drago, самую большую беседку из сруба и многие другие объекты, которые стали знаковыми. Среди наших клиентов — Radisson B...

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Строительная компания Eximol работает на рынке Молдовы с 2004 года. На сегодняшний день наша компания это стабильно развивающееся предприятие, успешно осуществляющее проектирование, строительство, отделочные работы, дизайн. Наша компания стремится максимально точно воплотить в жизнь замыслы и желани...

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Актуализировано: 6 минут назад

От 7 000 До 15 500 MDL

В проектно-строительную компанию требуется кадровик- делопроизводитель (Hr-менеджер), обладающий здравым смыслом, которому нравится активная и ответственная работа, нравится вносить порядок в дела, находить правильные решения, как что- то сделать, развиваться и совершенствоваться самому и быстро обу...

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Актуализировано: 6 минут назад


Наша проектно-строительная компания EXIMOL вот уже 20 лет помогает своим клиентам строить и воплощать в реальность проекты любой сложности. Возможно вы уже отдыхали в ресторане Villa Drago в Вадул луй Водах на берегу Днестра или прекрасно проводили время в Black Rabbit Gastro-Burrow в Центре города....

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Требования: Высшее техническое образование в области строительства, инженерии или родственной специальности. Знание базовых принципов и основ строительной техники. Уверенное владение программами проектирования. Аналитические и творческие способности, способность к логическому мышлению. Готовность к ...

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Cusător(easă)-Tehnolog în producerea mobilei tapițate cu experiență

Актуализировано: 36 минут назад

Loftenn SRL
Loftenn SRL
15 000 MDL

Cerințe: Experiență în domeniul producerii mobilei moale; Cunoștințe tehnice în proiectarea mobilei moale (preluarea mărimilor, croire, asamblare); Cunoașterea furniturii, materialelor; Cooperarea eficientă cu colegii de lucru; Responsabilitate; Repartizarea lucrului pentru cusătorese; Controlul cal...

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Montator construcții metalice

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

DLR Metal-Construct
DLR Metal-Construct
От 15 000 До 40 000 MDL

Obligațiuni: Montarea construcțiilor metalice; Asamblarea și fixarea construcțiilor metalice conform schițelor; Cerințe: Experiență practică legată de construcțiile metalice; Responsabilitate, punctualitate, lipsa viciilor. Oferim: Posibilitatea de a activa într-o companie stabilă, ce se dezvoltă co...

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Разнорабочий (Muncitor necalificat) de la 10 000 lei

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

DLR Metal-Construct
DLR Metal-Construct
10 000 MDL

Noi Oferim: Angajare oficială în câmpul muncii; Salariu motivant; Cerințe: Condiţie fizică bună; Persoană aptă de muncă cu înalt nivel de responsabilitate.

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Customer Operations Agent

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in the position of Customer Operations Agent to work with our International Partners. You’ll be responsible for completing a range of customer operations processes. It will be You and the applications we use, without customer contact. what you wi...

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Information Security Architecture Expert

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 800 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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Data Engineer

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 800 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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Planning & Forecasting Analyst

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 800 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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Solution Architect

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 850 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a for a talented and experi...

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Junior System Administrator

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 800 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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Software Developer

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 850 employees, delivering advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities, and providing full-cycle development that impacts millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a Software Develo...

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Digital Data Analyst

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 850 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a detail-oriented Digital D...

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CEO Office Coordinator

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

As an CEO Office Coordinator you will be responsible to ensure a high-quality administrative and operational support to the Chief Executive Officer daily service, prepare admin/board meetings, visits keeping a direct collaboration with group representatives and company senior management and act as a...

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Spring Boot Developer

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 850 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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IT Architect

Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 850 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. The IT Architect will be accountable for partnering with ...

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Актуализировано: 1 час назад

Esushi SRL
Esushi SRL
От 13 000 До 15 000 MDL

Despre Noi: Suntem o companie dinamică, orientată spre excelență și profesionalism, în căutarea unui Contabil(ă) care să contribuie la succesul echipei noastre. Dacă ești o persoană organizată, atentă la detalii și pasionată de cifre, te invităm să ne cunoaștem! Responsabilități: Prelucrarea documen...

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Corporate Sales Specialist

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад

От 700 До 1 700 USD

Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been providing top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. In 2024, Dyninno proudly celebrates its 20th anniversary. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, and...

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C&B Team Lead

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


Location: Chisinau Direct reporting: Global HRD Matrix reporting: CHRO Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been providing top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. In 2024 Dyninno proudly celebrates its 20th ...

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Product Manager

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been providing top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. In 2024 Dyninno proudly celebrates its 20th anniversary. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, and ...

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Forex Manager

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been providing top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. In 2024 Dyninno proudly celebrates its 20th anniversary. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, and ...

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PHP Developer

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


We are looking for a PHP Developer to join our Multipass team within Dyninno Group fintech division. Multipass is an innovative bank challenger offering financial solutions for businesses engaged in cross-border activities. We provide multi-currency business accounts with real-time FX services for f...

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Talent Acquisition Intern

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been providing top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50+ markets since 2004. In 2024, Dyninno proudly celebrated its 20th anniversary. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, an...

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Travel Agent $1500

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад

От 1 500 До 2 500 USD

Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been delivering top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, and today we are proud to have a team of over 5,400 professi...

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Operator în Limba Engleză $1500

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад

От 400 До 2 500 USD

Bine ați venit la Dyninno, un grup de companii cu sediul în San Francisco care oferă produse și servicii de top în domeniul finanțelor, călătoriilor și divertismentului pe 50 de piețe din 2004. Pasiunea noastră pentru excelență ne-a purtat în lung și-n lat, iar astăzi suntem mândri să avem o echipă ...

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Оператор колл-центра $1500

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад

От 400 До 2 500 USD

Добро пожаловать в Dyninno, группу компаний из Сан-Франциско, которая с 2004 года предоставляет первоклассные продукты и услуги в области финансов, путешествий и развлечений на 50+ рынках. В 2024 году компания Dyninno с гордостью отмечает свой двадцатый юбилей. Наша страсть к профессионализму помогл...

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English Speaking Travel Agent $1500

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад

От 1 500 До 2 500 USD

Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been delivering top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, and today we are proud to have a team of over 5,400 professi...

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Operator în Limba Engleză (Salariu mediu $1500)

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад

От 400 До 2 500 USD

Bine ați venit la Dyninno, un grup de companii cu sediul în San Francisco care oferă produse și servicii de top în domeniul finanțelor, călătoriilor și divertismentului pe 50 de piețe din 2004. Pasiunea noastră pentru excelență ne-a purtat în lung și-n lat, iar astăzi suntem mândri să avem o echipă ...

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Sales Agent $1500

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад

От 1 500 До 2 500 USD

Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been delivering top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, and today we are proud to have a team of over 5,400 professi...

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Talent Acquisition Intern

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been providing top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50+ markets since 2004. In 2024, Dyninno proudly celebrated its 20th anniversary. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, an...

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Designer mobilier

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


Ce îți oferă compania? Program de internship dacă încă nu ai experiență; Salariu competitiv + bonusuri din proiecte; Independență dacă ai experiență; Instruire continuă; Un program flexibil, dar 40 ore pe săptămână la oficiu; Pachet social complet cu angajare oficială; Loc de muncă și sarcini creati...

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Consultant vânzări în showroom de mobilă

Актуализировано: 2 часа назад


Locație: orașul Chișinău, str. Mesager, 18 Cerințe: Experiență în domeniul vânzărilor de mobilă Comunicare eficientă, responsabilitate Atitudine serioasă față de muncă Responsabilități: Consultarea clienților și oferirea de recomandări clienților Oferim: Salariu în dependență de munca depusă Condiți...

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Мастер по ремонту бытовой техники

Актуализировано: 3 часа назад


Хотите стать частью нашей команды профессионалов и делать жизнь наших клиентов проще и комфортнее? Мы ищем талантливого мастера по ремонту бытовой техники. Задачи, которые вы вы будете выполнять: Выезд к клиентам компании по заявкам; Диагностика неисправностей, и качественный ремонт крупно бытовой т...

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Meșter Reparații Transport Electric

Актуализировано: 3 часа назад


Angajăm Meșter Reparații Transport Electric! Ești expert în vehicule electrice? Alătură-te echipei noastre! Ce vei face: Vei diagnostica și rezolva probleme tehnice. Vei repara și întreține vehicule electrice. Vei testa și verifica echipamentele după reparații. Vei colabora cu echipa pentru soluțion...

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Casier(ă) în magazinul Enter

Актуализировано: 3 часа назад

От 11 000 До 12 000 MDL

Job-ul la Enter îți va pava calea spre o carieră de invidiat. De ce? We create togetherness. Împreună putem fi de neoprit! Nu te mai oprește nimic! Enter crește exponențial de mai bine de-un deceniu. Avem planuri ambițioase și ne încăpățânăm să le facem realitate! Ai unde crește! Odată cu extinderea...

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