
Park Plaza Hotel №4501502, 18 ноября 2016
Город: Кишинев
Образование: Любое
Опыт работы: Любой
Зарплата: Не указана
График: Полный рабочий день
Receptionist Job Offer English speaking days. in Chisinau
Park Plaza Hotel:
From Park Plaza Hotel we look for companies located in the area of Chisinau center a person with availability to work loose days making substitutions in summer season. This person will be responsible for performing the following functions:
- Answer calls
- Attention of visits
- Room Management
- Bag Management
Average FP and Less than 1 year of experience required
- Availability of immediate incorporation.
- High level of English (level tests will be carried out).
- Previous experience working at reception.
is offered
Contract: Temporary / Work Serv / Mat ...
Full Time
- Salary Negotiable.
- Contract through via email.
Контактное лицо:
Diana Bodini
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