Testing Engineer

age 26 ani


address Chișinău

11 000 MDL

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Despre mine

Knowledge on how to create electronic circuits using KiCad,DesignSpark,etc… analysis of signals using LTSpice, VHDL coding in Vivado, worked with Multisim/ultiboard, worked with Keil for embedded programming(mostly for STM-micro). Familiar with C/C++,JS, HTML,PHP. PLEASE CONTACT ME ONLY BY EMAIL THANK YOU.

Experiența profesională

Martie 2022 - Septembrie 2022
7 luni

Debug Engineer


Millstreet Cork

I was very lucky to be part of the engineering team at Alps Alpine in developing testing stations for mass production. Each product that is manufactured at the factory needs to be tested to find any faults in the product functionality before it gets in the hands of the costumer. As part of my tasks were to break down a new project that would be manufactured at the factory and prepare a program that would test as much functionality of the product as possible. Also set up the autonomous station and create a load board that would flash the devices and test them. They were really happy with my presence in the factory and if reference or feedback needed it can be provided.


Română Fluent

Rusă Fluent

Engleză Fluent

Franceză Comunicare

Studii: Superioare

Absolvit în: 2023

Technological University of Shannon

Facultatea: Electronics Engineering with Computer Systems.

Specialitatea: Engineer

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".