247 joburi

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Java Test Automation Engineer

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Allied Testing
Allied Testing

Allied Testing is a leading specialist QA and Testing firm with focus on the finance industry. The Allied Testing is now accepting applicants for: Java Test Automation - Remote job type 3-5 years experience. Tech stack: Experience with Java, jUnit5, Cucumber, API, Git, SQL, Gradle, Selenium WebDrive...

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Менеджер по закупкам

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Meed Way
Meed Way
10 000 MDL

В связи со своим активным развитием компании, MEED WAY приглашает эффективного менеджера по закупкам. Обязанности: Формирование эффективной ассортиментной товарной матрицы по формату интернет магазина и колл-центра; Контроль уровня запасов и соблюдение баланса между новинками и товарами постоянного ...

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Data Engineer

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Java Developer

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Python Developer

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developmen...

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DevOps Engineer (AWS)

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Golang Developer

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Help Desk Specialist

Actualizat: 17 ore în urmă

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Content Manager

Actualizat: 18 ore în urmă

Avantaj Prim
Avantaj Prim
De la 25 000 Până la 36 000 MDL

Job description: Avantaj Prim is looking for a Content Manager to join our department supporting an online betting platform. As the project is rapidly growing, we need a skilful and responsible specialist who would help us to ensure the quality of the content and keep up with the expanding marketing...

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De la 7 500 Până la 20 000 MDL

Compania garantează: Instruire gratuită Lucru individual cu un antrenor Flux constant de cereri de la clienți Program convenabil - 2/2 (luăm în considerare și alte opțiuni de program, de comun acord cu conducerea, dar nu mai puțin de 25 de ore pe săptămână) Salariu plătit la timp Posibilitate de cre...

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Email Marketer

Actualizat: 21 ore în urmă

Fitness Mama
Fitness Mama
De la 700 Până la 1 500 EUR

Suntem Fitness Mama - cel mai mare proiect de fitness online pentru femei (vorbitoare de limba română)! Căutăm o fire care reușește să combine 2 calități mai puțin compatibile: spiritul analitic și creativitatea. Ce trebuie să faci? să analizezi baza de clienți și să creezi diferite segmente pe baza...

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Specialist în IT Suport

Actualizat: 21 ore în urmă

Fitness Mama
Fitness Mama
De la 8 000 Până la 15 000 MDL

Echipa Fitness Mama, cel mai mare și dinamic proiect de fitness pentru femei în limba română, își extinde orizonturile și caută un Specialist IT Suport talentat și pasionat! Ești gata să te alături unei echipe tinere, entuziaste și cu viziune globală? Atunci, așteptăm cu nerăbdare să te cunoaștem! R...

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Designer Graphic

Actualizat: 21 ore în urmă

Fitness Mama
Fitness Mama
De la 10 000 Până la 16 000 MDL

Suntem cel mai mare proiect de fitness pentru femei din mediul online românesc - Fitness Mama! Din 2019 și până acum am ajutat peste 350 000 de femei să slăbească și să revină la formele dorite după naștere. :) Avem ambiția să devenim o comunitate globală și dacă vrei să faci parte din echipa care v...

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Fitness Mama
De la 8 000 Până la 12 000 MDL

Dacă ești un maestru al organizării, pozitiv, prietenos și plin de energie, atunci ești candidatul perfect pentru această poziție. Suntem în căutarea unui Asistent dedicat! Despre mine: Sunt Alexei Chișlaru, fondatorul mai multor startup-uri în domeniile EdTech și E-commerce. Am multe planuri de dez...

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Location: Chisinau Employment Type: Full-Time Reports to: Enterprise CTO We are a leading provider of innovative payment solutions, offering secure and efficient services to a global clientele. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance. We are creating a new po...

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Front-End Developer

Actualizat: 21 ore în urmă


Outstanding digital experiences – this is what powers our digital transformation journeys and what makes us stand out from the crowd. Beyond UX professionals, front-end developers are quintessential to our operations, as they translate experiences into deliverables. Hence, such professionals join th...

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iOS Developer at FunEasyLearn

Actualizat: 22 ore în urmă

De la 2 000 Până la 4 000 USD

FunEasyLearn, a globally recognized language learning app developer featured by Google Play, Forbes, TechTimes, and other platforms, is seeking a talented iOS Developer to join our team. We provide high-quality vocabulary-building apps used by millions of language learners from over 190 countries wo...

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HR and Administrative Coordinator

Actualizat: 23 ore în urmă

Smartglass Technologies

Job Description: Smart Glass Technologies is a leading innovator in the field of switchable smart glass solutions, providing advanced, new technology glass products for commercial and residential applications. Our mission is to revolutionize the way people interact with their environments through cu...

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Marketing Manager

Actualizat: ieri


Katch (www.katch.ie) is a professional matchmaking service for singles. Based in Ireland with offices downtown Chisinau and Wexford, Ireland. The position is remote or in the office, whichever suits your work life balance. With big plans to expand across Europe and North America this is a very excit...

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Sales manager IT

Actualizat: ieri

Modern Sistem SRL
Modern Sistem SRL
De la 10 000 Până la 30 000 MDL

Sales Manager pentru produsele software 1C – alătură-te echipei noastre! Vrei să lucrezi în domeniul vânzărilor IT și să câștigi dezvoltându-te într-o nișă de viitor? Căutăm un specialist energic și ambițios, gata să ducă vânzările 1C la un nou nivel! Ce vei face? Căutarea și atragerea de noi clienț...

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Modern Sistem SRL
De la 20 000 Până la 30 000 MDL

Căutăm un specialist pasionat care să contribuie la dezvoltarea și optimizarea soluțiilor software pe platforma 1C. Dacă ai experiență în domeniu și îți dorești stabilitate, creștere profesională și un mediu de lucru confortabil, aceasta este șansa ta! Ce vei face? Dezvoltarea de software nou pe pla...

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FullStack Developer

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


We are seeking a new colleague to fill the Full Stack Developer position. For our Chisinau engineering unit - a Full Stack Development Engineer, with a solid background in analyzing, designing, and developing web-based applications and with a strong motivation to learn new technologies. Requirements...

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QA Automation Engineer (French)

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


We are looking for a new colleague to fill the Test Automation Engineer position, to develop and execute exploratory and automated tests to ensure product quality. Requirements: At least 3 years of experience in a similar role; Confident knowledge of software QA methodology, processes, and tools; Ex...

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Technical Team Lead

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


Tekoway is looking for a new colleague to fill the Technical Team Lead position. You will work within an international development team in a squad format in collaboration with the project director, your developers, integrators & our QA. You pilot your squad with your project counterpart and interven...

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Team 21
De la 90 000 Până la 110 000 MDL

Remote Position TL;DR: We're building the infrastructure for humanity's digital future. Think avatar generation at scale, distributed systems that power millions of identities, and bleeding-edge AI tech that major brands already trust. Backed by the investors behind Anthropic, Groq, and Tenstorrent....

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Team 21
De la 50 000 Până la 60 000 MDL

Remote Position TL;DR: We're building the infrastructure for humanity's digital future. Think avatar generation at scale, distributed systems that power millions of identities, and bleeding-edge AI tech that major brands already trust. Backed by the investors behind Anthropic, Groq, and Tenstorrent....

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Key Account Manager

Actualizat: 3 zile în urmă

800 USD

We are Let's Dispatch Team Young and dynamic group of enthusiasts, providing dispatch and logistics services for the American transportation market located in DownTown of Chisinau. We are currently hiring for an Account Manager position with at least 6 months experince in US Responsibilities: Manage...

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De la 12 000 Până la 22 000 MDL

Cerințe: Experiența în domeniu este binevenită, dar nu este obligatorie; Cunoaşterea excelentă a limbilor Finlandeza sau Daneza (scris si vorbit) la nivel B2 + engleza B1/B2; Perseverență, seriozitate, flexibilitate, atitudine proactivă, orientare către rezultate; Vorbire coerentă și corectă; Abilit...

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De la 12 000 Până la 22 000 MDL

Основные требования к кандидату: отличное знание одного из вышеуказанных языков (как устный, так и письменный) + обязательное знание английского языка на уровне B1/B2 знание ПК исполнительность обучаемость внимательность умение работать в команде Условия работы: своевременная заработная плата ( став...

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Norwegian Speaking Customer Support

Actualizat: 6 zile în urmă

De la 12 000 Până la 22 000 MDL

Основные требования к кандидату: отличное знание норвежского языка (как устный, так и письменный) уровень B2/C1 + знание английского языка на уровне B1/B2 знание ПК исполнительность обучаемость внимательность умение работать в команде Условия работы: своевременная заработная плата ( ставка + KPI) оф...

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Middle SEO Specialist

Actualizat: 6 zile în urmă


AUTODOC is the largest and fastest growing auto parts ecommerce platform in Europe. Present across 27 countries with around 5,000 employees, AUTODOC generated revenue of over €1.3 billion in 2023, supplying more than 7.4 million active customers with its 5.8 million vehicle parts and accessories for...

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Менеджер по продажам

Data creării: 6 zile în urmă

Meta-Sistem S.R.L.

Умеешь продавать? Продай нам себя! Кто мы: IT компания со штатом в 100 человек. Мы работаем на рынках Германии, Франции, России, Украины, Казахстана и Молдовы. Самые интересные и перспективные технологии IT сферы! Кто нам нужен: Ищем людей, которые легко рассказывают о сложном и продают сегодня техн...

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Amatto Kitchens
De la 30 000 Până la 40 000 MDL

Технолог корпусной мебели (кухни и гардеробные на заказ) Заработная плата от 30 000 до 40 000 лей на руки Требуемый опыт работы: от 5 лет Мы производим стильную и комфотртную мебель и кухни на заказ в Молдове и Европе, работаем на рынке более 9 лет! Наш сайт: www.amatto.md Мы быстро растем, в штате ...

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About us: Cedacri International is part of ION Group, a community of visionary innovators, dedicated to providing pioneering software and consultancy services to financial institutions, trading firms, central banks, governments, and corporations around the world. We strive to simplify the way people...

Product Analyst

Actualizat: 8 zile în urmă


Simpals este cel mai mare panou de anunțuri, harta detaliată a Moldovei, desene animate minunate, știri de actualitate, publicitate eficientă, dispozitive pentru înot și freediving solicitate la nivel internațional, serviciu de bilete online, înverzirea și colorarea orașului și cele mai grandioase e...

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DevOps Engineer

Actualizat: 8 zile în urmă

GR8 Tech
GR8 Tech

GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have а great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We ...

GR8 Tech

GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We ar...


Предлагаем работу ОПЕРАТОР CALL-ЦЕНТРА, для тех, кто говорит на одном из иностранных языков Удаленно или из офиса в Кишиневе! Оплачиваем обучение в полном объеме! Мы с радостью примем тебя в команду и всему научим. С ЧЕМ ВЫ БУДЕТЕ РАБОТАТЬ: Исключительно с готовыми заявками от клиентов Без "ХОЛОДНЫХ...

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