Резюме № 366069 от 3 октября 2024
Support Engineer

age 23 ani


address Chișinău

Чтобы открыть контактную информацию соискателя, нужно зарегистрироваться и оплатить услугу "Доступ к базе резюме".

Despre mine

- Dom
- Word
- Windows Forms
- Interactive media design
- Entuziasm
- Creativitate
- Editare imagini
- Crearea logo
- Abilități de ascultare
- C# (C sharp)
- Abilitatea de a învăța rapid
- Abilități de comunicare
- Adaptabilitate
- Abilitatea de a soluționa eficient problemele
- Java
- Lucru în echipa
- Javascript
- Powerpoint
- Wordpress
- Vorbitul în public
- Bootstrap
- Blender
- Git
- Web layout design

Vezi mai mult

Experiența profesională

August 2022 - Prezent
2 ani 6 luni

Support Application Engineer

Planet Group International


Documentum System Administration and User Support for D2, XCP and EPFM Based System;
Managing Documentum Architecture; Troubleshooting issues (functional and operational issues);
Client communication;
New Functionalities analysis and implementation management;
Identifying platform bugs and managing the fix process with EMC via Service Requests;
Deployments and post-deployment activities
Performance monitoring and performance improvements strategies
Development of xCP application for implementing and automating the content management process within the company. Support critical business functions through the development, implementation, and maintenance of the system. Contribute software development expertise for projects and ensure that specifications are met.

August 2021 - Aprilie 2023
1 an 9 luni


Imapact A&C


Teaching children of different ages


Română Fluent

Rusă Fluent

Engleză Mediu

Domeniul dorit

IT, Tech

Studii: Superioare

Absolvit în: 2023


Facultatea: TISE

Specialitatea: Tehnologii Informaționale

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


Чтобы открыть контактную информацию соискателя, нужно зарегистрироваться и оплатить услугу "Доступ к базе резюме".