Резюме № 325742 от 24 апреля 2022
Junior Positions, Managing positions, analysis, volunteer help regarding Ukranian crises

age 25 лет


address Chișinău

6 000 MDL

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Обо мне

Bachelors undergraduate student at USM.
Passionate about - history and culture metamorphosis.
Engaged in scientific, anthropologic, academic and artistic projects.
Hobbies - reading books, piano playing.
Sports - swimming pool. boxing.

Performing interviews
Hr solutions
Curating Events
Market analysis
Organisation and Planing
Creative writing
Team collaboration


Опыт работы

Октябрь 2020 - Февраль 2022
1 год 5 месяцев

Psychological project

Dumitru Lepadatu


Author and Designer of the 75 illustrations applied as an associative - projected tool in psychotherapy

Gained experience within legislation rights in order to build a safe and legal business net-working

Performed interviews within psychological association in R. Moldova

Curated events

Июль 2019 - Сентябрь 2020
1 год 3 месяца

Community manager

Chaco Reiseburo gmbh

Stuttgart, Germany

Responsible for schedule programs,
Applied Customer service skills ( phone and email)
Responsible for project plannings
Responsible for quality team checks
Responsible for zoom meetings,
Performed Microsoft Excel, Word skills


Румынский Свободно владею

Русский Свободно владею

Английский Свободно владею

Образование: Высшее

Ещё учусь

Universitatea de Stat Moldova

Факультет: History and Philosophy

Специальность: Philosophy

Курсы, тренинги

Год окончания: 2022

Diploma pentru participare la masa rotunda ''etica in organizatii: aspect teoretic si aplicativ'' - USM in coloborare cu facultatea de filosofie BUCURESTI

Организатор: USM

Пожелания к работе

График работы


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