Senior Commercial Manager (Acquisitions)
21 марта 2025
Veo Worldwide Services, parte a Grupului NOZ și lider pe piața europeană de destocaj, beneficiază de peste 18 ani de expertiză în optimizarea stocurilor nevândute. Ne adresăm proprietarilor de afaceri oferind soluții eficiente pentru gestionarea surplusurilor din colecții anterioare, sau comenzi anulate, contribuind astfel la optimizarea performanței lor operaționale.
Misiune: Să fim lideri mondiali în destocaj, impunând standarde de excelență și inovație în industrie.
Viziune: Sub deviza „No waste. Just value.”, ne angajăm să maximizăm valoarea resurselor, aptitudinilor și ideilor, cultivând o cultură a sustenabilității și eficienței. Mizăm pe dezvoltarea continuă a echipei noastre, promovând spiritul de inițiativă și colaborarea.
La Veo Worldwide, depășim granițele destocajului, contribuind la un viitor sustenabil și eficient. Alătură-te echipei noastre pentru a explora potențialul tău într-un mediu dinamic și inovator.
Senior Commercial Manager (Acquisitions)
We are searching for an Senior Commercial Manager with excellent business and commercial experience to ensure continuity and further development of our business, leading the purchasing activity and reporting to General Committee, at group level.
The Commercial Manager responsibilities include identifying directions and business development opportunities for the company, leading the Purchasing department, elaborate the business plan and development plan, maintain the relationship with active clients and build new partnerships, people management, preparing budgets and reports, and ensuring maximum profitability.
- Excellent English (any other language skill will be a plus)
- Strong previous experience in commercial area.
- Coordinating the activity of commercial site specialized on purchasing activities;
- Recruiting, coaching, evaluation and supervision of the subordinate team;
- Ensuring the tasks transfer to team members and the problem solving mindset;
- Analyzing the team results and reporting the results to the top management;
- Motivating and proposing actions to achieve the objectives/ targets set/KPI’s.
- A challenging job in which you can interact with business owners and top decision makers;
- The chance to use language skills to work internationally and meet new people;
- Daily opportunities to learn, to develop and possibility to promote;
- An activity in which you will never get bored and you will not get stuck in the routine;
- Driven and fun team-players that fight for the same goal with effervescent energy;
- International travelling opportunities to participate in fairs and to visit suppliers;
- The possibility of being an active part of the solution that gives unsold products a new life and reduces overproduction;
- We offer employment contract and benefits registered legally and transparently;
- 4 weeks of intensive training experience in international trade, with our partner DARE Academy (https://bit.ly/3b6cZvv), where you will learn a lot about business and about yourself;
- Ongoing feedback and coaching.
E-mail: anserban@veoworldwide.ro