CV № 287711 din 23 octombrie 2024
Mobile Developer

age 23 ani


address Chișinău

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".

Despre mine

Experienced software developer with three years of expertise in mobile application development. Skilled in creating robust, user-friendly apps for both iOS and Android platforms, with a strong focus on delivering high-quality code and excellent user experiences.

A part of skill's that i developed:
- Knowledge about Design Patterns;
- Knowledge about Programming Principles (SOLID, POO ..);
- Knowledge about Architectural Patterns (MVVM,MVI ..);
- Work with Git and Azure;
- Work with Adobe software (Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamwork ..);
- Good problem solving skills, testing and debugging;
- Strong communication skills and ability of listening;
- Good understanding of PC.
Programming languages that i used in development:
- Kotlin (Mobile Dev)
- Swift (Mobile Dev)
- Python (Server Side Dev)
- Java (Server Side Dev)
- C# (API Dev)
Trying my best in all kinds.
Very flexible and optimistic.

Vezi mai mult

TOP Competențe

Architectural Patterns (MVVM, MVI ..) 3 ani
SQL 3 ani
Kotlin 3 ani
Swift 3 ani
Java 3 ani
Dagger 3 ani

Experiența profesională

Iunie 2021 - Prezent
3 ani 9 luni

Full-Stack Mobile Developer

Cedacri International


Architectural Patterns (MVVM, MVI ..) Programming Principles Git Azure Good problem solving skills Team Work Dagger SQL Testing and debugging Kotlin Swift Java

Contributed to the development of a white-label app both for iOS and Android in the banking sector, which has been deployed across multiple banks and has achieved over 3 million total downloads.
Carried out regular performance optimizations, introduced enhancements, and fixed issues to improve application functionality and user experience.
Developed Android / iOS applications that communicate with backend services through REST APIs.
Data Analytics and work with big data flow based on Python with PySpark extension.

Martie 2021 - Iunie 2021
4 luni


Print Lider


Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Figma CorelDRAW Microsoft Office

Work was consisting of creating different type of menu's for restaurants, banners, calling cards, stickers and a lot of work with papers.


Română Fluent

Rusă Fluent

Engleză Comunicare

Domeniul dorit

IT, Tech

Studii: Superioare

Absolvit în: 2021


Facultatea: P

Specialitatea: Programarea și analiza produselor de program

Studiez la moment


Facultatea: FCIM

Specialitatea: Tehnologii Informaționale

Cursuri, training-uri

Absolvit în: 2021

Cedacri Courses

Organizator: Cedacri Group

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


Permis de conducere

Categoria: B

Cu automobil personal

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".